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Jump Fundamentals
Introduction to Jump Fundamentals
Welcome! A message from Mike Lewis, founder of When to Jump. (2:30)
Pre-Course Primer: The When to Jump Story (in 160 seconds!) (2:39)
Module 1: Listen to the Little Voice
Welcome to the Listen to the Little Voice module (0:50)
Reflect: Listen to the Little Voice
Read: The Busy Trap (The New York Times)
Watch: Success, failure, and the drive to keep creating
Listen: WNYC's Manoush Zomorodi: From Bored to Inspired
Guest Lecture: Bryan Tublin (7:41)
Wisdom: Alex Korchinski (34:35)
Homework: Listen to the Little Voice
Wisdom: Danni Pomplun (5:03)
Wrap (0:52)
Module 2: Make a Plan
Welcome to the Make a Plan module (0:51)
Reflect: Make A Plan
Read: 100 Blocks a Day (Wait But Why)
Watch: From Dream to Reality (Max Joseph)
Guest Lecture: Jerrid Sebesta (9:38)
Guest Lecture: Paul Benson (9:55)
Listen: Eric Wu: From Startup Advisor to Fashion Designer
Homework: Make a Plan
BONUS: Make a press release
Wrap (0:50)
Module 3: Let Yourself Be Lucky
Welcome to the Let Yourself Be Lucky module (1:04)
Reflect: Let Yourself Be Lucky
Wisdom: Bryan Lemos (9:53)
Read: How Larry Page, Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey overcame their fear of failure (World Economic Forum)
Watch: Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals (Tim Ferriss)
Wisdom: Akansha Agrawal (5:27)
Listen: The 10 Things You Won't Hear At Commencement
Homework: Let Yourself Be Lucky
BONUS Watch: The Paradox Of Choice
Wrap (0:41)
Module 4: Don't Look Back
Welcome to the Don't Look Back module (1:01)
Reflect: Don't Look Back
Read: We Are What We Choose (Jeff Bezos)
Watch: Conan O'Brien Delivers Dartmouth's Commencement Address
Wisdom: Kyle Battle (9:46)
Homework: Don't Look Back
Listen: Brenda Berkman, from Lawyer to Firefighter
Wisdom: Jeanne Blasberg (3:57)
Wrap (1:25)
Module 5: Wrap Up
Homework: Your Jump Manifesto
Wrap Up Survey
Final Thoughts, and Next Steps (1:46)
Join The WTJ Alumni Group!
Reflect: Make A Plan
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